The first rule about building a mousetrap

June 13, 2007



… is that you should always leave room for the mouse.

consumator care nu are timp, consumator care nu te vrea, poze in supermarket, make it interesting, YouTube blog Flickr, transmedia, new media, web 2.0, engagement emotional, consumator care nu te crede, bonding online, the end of the world, NIMENI NU MOARE LA SFARSIT, consumator apatic, Romania nu e Bucuresti si Bucuresti nu e Embryo, online vs. offline, TV vs Internet, CBS& BBC vs. Google Reader, accountul ca gestionar, egoist sa fii si totul se va rezolva, marketer speak vs. human speak, don’t be single minded, stay hungry- stay foolish, PAUZE DE CAFEA, UGC, audientele OTV, youtube= you/ youtube= brand generated content/ brand generated content= you? consumator care probabil nu te va alege, catchy songs on interesting short collage movies, NOUL CONSUMATOR, peer to peer vs. brand to peer, THE SKY IS JUST A LIMIT, ideile ca si brain crack, socializing online is just like the real world but on computers, fail fast, fail cheap.

A fost Idea Forum, a fost interesant, eu am fost Bianca, in curand sound asleep.


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